- How long and where are you going to study? 你要在哪里学?要学多久?
- And where are you going to visit? 参观哪些地方?
- When and where are you going? 时间和目的地?
- Vicki: Oh, la-di-da! And where are you going for honeymoon? 噢,你们打算去哪儿度蜜月?
- When and where were you born? Your Astrological Sign? 什么时候在那里出生?
- Where are you going to work when you qualify? 取得资格後,你打算在那工作?
- Where are you going to work when you qualify ? 取得资格后,你打算在哪里工作 ?
- When and where were you happiest? Nineteen thirty-nine. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Station WOOD, 20 bucks a week. 你什么时候在什么地方最开心?1999年,密歇根州急流市的伍德站,一个礼拜才20。
- Where are you going to put the cooker and the fridge? 你要把灶具和冰柜放在什么地方?
- What is your name,and where are you now,please? 请问您的姓名及地点?
- When and where was the Olympic Flag first hoisted? 何时何地首次升奥运会会旗?
- What is your name, and where are you now, please? 接线员:请问您的姓名及地点?
- When and where was the first Paralympics held? 第一届残奥会在何时何地举办?年。
- Say, buster, where are you going? 老兄,你要上哪儿去?
- And where are you,my angel, now? 我的天使你在哪里?
- When and where were you born? 你是什么时间什么地点出生的?
- Where are you going to leave the country? 您准备从哪个口岸出境?
- And he said, "Hagar, servant of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?" "I'm running away from my mistress Sarai," she answered. 对他说:“撒莱的使女夏甲,你从那里来?要往那里去?”夏甲说:“我从我的主母撒莱面前逃出来。
- Where are you going to spend your summer holidays ? 你准备到什么地方去度暑假?
- Hey, Louise, when and where was the first stamp made? 喂,鲁伊斯,你知道第一张邮票是什么时候在哪里发行的吗?